I know there are a lot of post about this, but i've been looking to do this all day. What i try to acheive here is to click on a row in a GridView, then bring the page to scroll to that position, like an anchor in html would do.
This, is my link that i'll use to scroll. I call a function in my js file. This is in my GridView.
<asp:LinkButton runat="server" OnClientClick="window.scrollTo(0, GetPosition(this))" CommandName="select" ID="InkSelect" Text="SELECT" />
Then, i call this function in my js file, linked like this, just in case:
<script type="text/javascript" src="~js/monjs.js"></script>
In monjs.js, here is the function:
function GetPosition(element) {
var top = 0;
var e = document.getElementById(element);
while (e.offsetParent != undefined && e.offsetParent != null) {
top += e.offsetTop + (e.clientTop != null ? e.clientTop : 0);
e = e.offsetParent;
return top;}
And Visual studio is highlighting this line:
...... <a onclick="window.scrollTo(0, GetPosition(this));" .....
I tried many other way to do this, registering a script in the vb file, hardcoding window.scrollTo(0,100) in the onclick attribute, i'm out of ideas.
I tried row.focus, don't mention this one.
ok I managed to do something. AFter many many tries... i used this in my aspx file:
<asp:LinkButton runat="server" OnClientClick="return Move(this);" CommandName="select" ID="_row" Text="SELECT" />
In my aspx.vb file, i used this in my page load function:
Dim myScriptName As String = "MovePageScript"
If (Not ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(Page.GetType(), myScriptName)) Then
Dim myScript As New StringBuilder()
myScript.Append("<script type=""text/javascript""> function Move(element) {")
myScript.Append("var top = 0;")
myScript.Append("var e = typeof element === 'string' ? document.getElementById(element) : element;")
myScript.Append("while (e.offsetParent != undefined && e.offsetParent != null) {")
myScript.Append("top += e.offsetTop + (e.clientTop != null ? e.clientTop : 0);")
myScript.Append("e = e.offsetParent; }")
myScript.Append("window.scrollTo(0, top);")
myScript.Append("return false;")
myScript.Append("} </script>")
ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), myScriptName, myScript.ToString(), False)
End If
And used this in my web.config file:
<pages maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack="true">
It cancels the selection of the row but at least it works... I'll have to check now if I can get this to work with Telerik's Ragrid XD