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d3js Zoomable Icicle data

I want to modify the zoomable icicle plot of d3js to include my own data. However, I cannot find the "readme.json" file to modify the data, nor does the graph render locally. Where can I find this file, or if I create my own json file, how should the data be formatted?


  • I got thit JSON from javascript debuger
    File you can get from url

      "flare": {
        "analytics": {
          "cluster": {
            "AgglomerativeCluster": 3938,
            "CommunityStructure": 3812,
            "HierarchicalCluster": 6714,
            "MergeEdge": 743
          "graph": {
            "BetweennessCentrality": 3534,
            "LinkDistance": 5731,
            "MaxFlowMinCut": 7840,
            "ShortestPaths": 5914,
            "SpanningTree": 3416
          "optimization": {
            "AspectRatioBanker": 7074
        "animate": {
          "Easing": 17010,
          "FunctionSequence": 5842,
          "interpolate": {
            "ArrayInterpolator": 1983,
            "ColorInterpolator": 2047,
            "DateInterpolator": 1375,
            "Interpolator": 8746,
            "MatrixInterpolator": 2202,
            "NumberInterpolator": 1382,
            "ObjectInterpolator": 1629,
            "PointInterpolator": 1675,
            "RectangleInterpolator": 2042
          "ISchedulable": 1041,
          "Parallel": 5176,
          "Pause": 449,
          "Scheduler": 5593,
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        "data": {
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            "VisualizationEvent": 1117
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            "encoder": {
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            "SortOperator": 2023
          "Visualization": 16540