Good morning all :) I've got an issue here, which is pain in my neck for 2 days already. I'm using bxSlider for images to slide on a page and I'm calling my own function in onAfterSlide callback. Everything works fine except one thing. When I quickly switching between slides my function is being called 2-3 times(I have 3 images on page), which is not good as it returns unexpected results. I can not use newest version of bxSlider, because the markup has been changed. I think this happens, because the animation is still not finished when the onAfterSlide callback is called. This is how I call bxSlider:
mode: 'fade',
speed: 1000,
pause: 9000,
auto: true,
autoControls: false,
prevText: '',
nextText: '',
autoHover: true,
captions: false,
pager: true,
onBeforeSlide: function () {
if ($('.slide_in').length) {
onAfterSlide: function () {
if ($('.slide_in').length && $('.slide_in').is(':hidden')) {
And this is my function:
function doCrazyStuff() {
var $this = $('.slide_in');
if ($this.length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
duration: 2000,
angle: 90,
animateTo: -20
}, 3000);
Any help appreciated. Thanks.
I've tried to add .stop()
, but didn't helped.
duration: 2000,
angle: 90,
animateTo: -20
duration: 2000,
angle: 90,
animateTo: -20
}).stop(); // throws an error
You can cancel a timeout or make a check to see if it's running.
If you want only the last timeout to run:
var crazyTimeout;
function doCrazyStuff() {
var $this = $('.slide_in');
if ($this.length > 0) {
if (crazyTimeout != undefined) {
clearTimeout(crazyTimeout); // Cancel previous timeout
crazyTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
crazyTimeout = undefined;
duration: 2000,
angle: 90,
animateTo: -20
}, 3000);
If you want only the first timeout to run:
var crazyTimeout;
function doCrazyStuff() {
var $this = $('.slide_in');
if ($this.length > 0) {
if (crazyTimeout != undefined) {
return; // A timeout is still running: don't create new one
crazyTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
crazyTimeout = undefined;
duration: 2000,
angle: 90,
animateTo: -20
}, 3000);