I have a class MyClass:
var MyClass = function(){
util.inherits(MyClass, EventEmitter);
I want it to emit a 'new' event every time a new instance of MyClass is created:
myClassInstance = new MyClass(); // emit a 'new' event from MyClass, not myClassInstance
I want to do this so that I can have an observer to do something every a new instance of MyClass is created. For example:
var MyClass = require('myclass');
MyClass.on('new', function(newInstance) {
// do something with the new instance of MyClass
Is there a way to do it?
You have two options:
The first way would be to not emit from MyClass and instead make a new EventEmitter instance that would emit instead.
var MyClassEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
var MyClass = function(){
MyClassEmitter.emit('new', this);
This is the way I would do because it uses the least fanciness and isn't likely to break.
The second way, working directly with MyClass
, you need to mix the EventEmitter behavior onto your constructor.
var MyClass = function(){
MyClass.emit('new', this);
// Mix functions directly onto function.
MyClass[prop] = events.EventEmitter.prototype[prop];
// Trigger constructor in MyClass context.