This is a really stupid question, but I can't seem to solve it. In my OS the GDT is setup via assembly code that links upped with the kernel. When that happens, of course the data segment and code segment are set up when the GDT is loaded. The this information is stored in the assembly code as
GDT_Contents db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 154, 207, 0, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 146, 207, 0
All the segments are set up perfectly, however I can not access the GDT via a pointer that points to GDT_Contents. I have tested this several ways, mainly by just creating a pointer to 0 (That is the location of GDT_Contents) and echoing out the bytes that are their. They do not match up with the GDT_Contents. I am pretty sure this is because when the GDT gets loaded it is relative to the prior data segment (either 0x0 or set up by the bootloader, I am not sure). But anyways I do not know how I can access the GDT now, I want to set up the TSS I can't just hardcode that into GDT_Contents since it requires a pointer to my TSS Struct. I think it is just as easy as restoring the previous data segment, but I have no idea how I can do that. This is the assembly code that sets up the GDT
mov dword [MultiBootInfo_Structure], EBX
add dword EBX, 0x4
mov dword EAX, [EBX]
mov dword [MultiBootInfo_Memory_Low], EAX
add dword EBX, 0x4
mov dword EAX, [EBX]
mov dword [MultiBootInfo_Memory_High], EAX
mov dword ESP, Kernel_Stack
mov dword [_NATIVE_GDT_Pointer + 2], _NATIVE_GDT_Contents
mov dword EAX, _NATIVE_GDT_Pointer
lgdt [EAX]
mov dword EAX, 0x10
mov word DS, EAX
mov word ES, EAX
mov word FS, EAX
mov word GS, EAX
mov word SS, EAX
jmp 8:Boot_FlushCsGDT
mov dword [_NATIVE_IDT_Pointer + 2], _NATIVE_IDT_Contents
mov dword EAX, _NATIVE_IDT_Pointer
lidt [EAX]
mov dword EAX, CR4
or dword EAX, 0x100
mov dword CR4, EAX
mov dword EAX, CR4
or dword EAX, 0x200
mov dword CR4, EAX
mov dword EAX, CR0
and dword EAX, 0xFFFFFFFD
mov dword CR0, EAX
mov dword EAX, CR0
and dword EAX, 0x1
mov dword CR0, EAX
jmp Boot_FlushCsGDT.loop
ret 0x0
And of course this is x86 in 32 bit protected mode.
Use the sgdt
instruction to get the size and address of the GDT. This is a physical address, so if you use paging you will need to ensure it is mapped into virtual memory before you access it. sgdt
stores the size of the GDT-1 in the low two bytes at the address given, and the physical address in the next four.
sgdt dword [NewGDTPointer]
Then, if the GDT has empty space for the TSS descriptor already, you can simply place the descriptor there. Otherwise, you will need to copy the GDT to a larger piece of memory and load the new one.