I've been reading about dependency injection, and I'm getting the basics. Most of the examples on the internet explain it till here:
public class MyClass
private IDependency _dependency;
public MyClass(IDependency dependency)
_dependency = dependency;
This way, we inject the dependency through the constructor. But I don't think it's a good idea to keep writing:
var myClassInstance = new MyClass(someArgument);
all throughout the code. Should I use the factory pattern to get instances?
public static class MyClassFactory
private static IDependency dependency = DependencyFactory.GetInstance();
public static MyClass GetInstance()
return new MyClass(dependency);
Is this the way to go?
I know that using a DI container solves the problem, but I'd like to learn how to incorporate dependency injection in my code, before using a DI container.
Yes, a factory would be the way to go. In fact, a DI container is really just a glorified factory that can be configured via xml (in the case of spring for example) or code (for something like structure map)