I am trying to use a rich edit control to output some text on the screen:
Monday Press 1.
Your day is Monday
Tuesday Press 2.
I can't really find any simple examples of how to do this. all i have been able to sort out is setting the window text (setWindowText), but everything else is escaping me. Any short examples?
Despite the comments, I'm going to answer the question you asked, about how to format data in a Rich Edit control. A few years ago, I had to do this, and came up with something that I could treat a little like an IOstream (if I were doing it today, I'd probably do it a bit differently, but such is life).
First, code to act like an IOstream, but write to a rich-edit control:
// rich_stream.h:
class rich_stream {
CRichEditCtrl &ctrl;
rich_stream(CRichEditCtrl &ctrl_) : ctrl(ctrl_) { }
void add_text(char const *txt) {
void add_int(int val) {
CString temp;
temp.Format("%d", val);
void set_char_format(CHARFORMAT &fmt) {
inline rich_stream &operator<<(rich_stream &s, char const *t) {
return s;
inline rich_stream &operator<<(rich_stream &s, CHARFORMAT &fmt) {
return s;
inline CString nl() {
return CString("\n\n");
inline rich_stream &operator<<(rich_stream &s, CString (*f)()) {
return s;
inline rich_stream &operator<<(rich_stream &s, int val) {
return s;
Then, I'd use this something like:
memset(&bold, 0, sizeof(bold));
bold.cbSize = sizeof(bold);
bold.dwMask = CFM_BOLD | CFM_FACE | CFM_SIZE;
bold.dwEffects = CFE_BOLD;
strcpy(bold.szFaceName, "Times");
bold.yHeight = 14 * 20;
memset(&normal, 0, sizeof(normal));
normal.cbSize = sizeof(normal);
normal.dwMask = CFM_BOLD | CFM_FACE | CFM_SIZE;
normal.dwEffects = 0;
strcpy(normal.szFaceName, "Times");
normal.yHeight = 14 * 20;
// ...
rich_stream txt(GetRichEditCtrl());
txt << bold << "Heading 1: " << normal << info1 << nl
<< bold << "Heading 2: " << normal << info2 << nl
<< bold << "Heading 3: " << normal << info3;
If I were doing this today, I'd almost certainly create a small class as a wrapper for a CHARFORMAT
so I could construct the formatting objects a little more cleanly. I'd probably also at least think hard about implementing it as a normal iostream with a stream buffer that inserted data into the rich edit control (but at the time I didn't know streams well enough to know I should do that).
Glancing at it, there are a few other things that aren't really exactly right either -- add_text
uses SetSel(-1, -1);
. This should really retrieve the current length of the text (e.g., with GetWindowTextLength
, and set the selection to just after the end.