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JQuery Form Plugin - Pass Object to Success Function

I am using the JQuery Form plug-in to send forms via Ajax. I cobbled together the code from various places and everything works perfectly, except one thing.

Upon success the data from the PHP processing file gets output to a <div> (i.e. the 'message sent' response). The ID of that <div> is currently set within the function. What I want to do is to be able to set that ID outside of the function so it is more easily re-usable, but I can't for the life of me work out how to pass that ID into the function. Because:

  1. I cannot set any arguments in the success: section, I can only name the function.

  2. I can't seem to be able to pass an argument any other way, i.e. I cannot add an extra argument to the success function, i.e. writeOutput(data,divID), defining divID elsewhere.

Here's the relevant code:

    beforeSubmit: function() {
        return $(formOne).validate({
            // validation rules
    beforeSend: function() {
        // beforeSend actions
    success: writeOutput

function writeOutput(data) {

    var $out = $('#output');

    if (typeof data == 'object' && data.nodeType)
        data = elementToString(data.documentElement, true);
    else if (typeof data == 'object')
        data = objToString(data);

    $out.append('<div>'+ data +'</div>');

So how can I define the ID (which is currently #output) outside of the writeOutput() function?


  • Not sure if this works and not a direct answer,

    For "I cannot set any arguments in the success: section", you could do something like:

        beforeSubmit: function() {
            return $(formOne).validate({
                // validation rules
        beforeSend: function() {
            // beforeSend actions
        success: writeOutput,
        context: { extra_arg: 'some_value' }
    function writeOutput(data) {
        var extra_var_val = this.extra_var; //the extra argument
        var $out = $('#output');
        if (typeof data == 'object' && data.nodeType)
            data = elementToString(data.documentElement, true);
        else if (typeof data == 'object')
            data = objToString(data);
        $out.append('<div>'+ data +'</div>');

    Whatever is passed into 'context' becomes the context of the callback function. Hope it works.