I am looking for a slide show widget, e.g. as a jQuery plugin. How it should look like, schematically (dotted rectangles are images that are not visible initially, navigation via arrow buttons):
.... .... +--+ +--+ +--+ .... ....
. . . . [<] | | | | | | [>] . . . .
.... .... +--+ +--+ +--+ .... ....
The three visible images should load as quickly as possible.
No typical lazy loading: The initially invisible images should load automatically and right away after all visible images have loaded.
Idea: fast initial page load, optimal use of bandwidth, no unnecessary waiting times.
You could add the source to hidden images after page load.
Hidden images:
<img data-src="/images/image1.jpg">
After the page load run something like:
$(function () {
$('img[data-src]').each(function () {
var hImg = $(this),
src = hImg.attr('data-src');
hImg.attr('src', src);
The slide show plugin should be included only after this document.ready function of course.