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How to create a new ImageData object independently?

I want to create a new ImageData object in code. If I have a Uint8ClampedArray out of which I want to make an image object, what is the best way to do it?

I guess I could make a new canvas element, extract its ImageData and overwrite its data attribute, but that seems like a wrong approach.

It would be great if I could use the ImageData constructor directly, but I can't figure out how to.


  • This is interesting problem... You can't just create ImageData object:

    var test = new ImageData(); // TypeError: Illegal constructor

    I have also tried:

    var imageData= context.createImageData(width, height); = mydata; // TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'data' of #<ImageData> 

    but as described in MDN data property is readonly.

    So I think the only way is to create object and set data property with iteration:

    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    var imageData = canvas.getContext('2d').createImageData(width, height);
    for(var i = 0; i < myData.length; i++){[i] = myData[i];

    Update: I have discovered the set method in data property of ImageData, so solution is very simple:

    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    var imageData = canvas.getContext('2d').createImageData(width, height);;