Search code examples

Get WOEID in Android

I'm developing an app and one of the features I want to include is being able to get the users location and convert it to a WOEID value and then get the weather data from the Yahoo Weather RSS feed. Here's the documentation that states the requirement for the WOEID value:


  • You can get the WOEID by using the Yahoo! PlaceFinder API. First you need to request an API key, then you can send your request like this:[search query]&appid=[yourappidhere]

    You will get this as a response:

    <ResultSet xmlns:ns1="" version="2.0" xml:lang="en-US">
    <ErrorMessage>No error</ErrorMessage>
    <line1>1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW</line1>
    <line2>Washington, DC 20500-0005</line2>
    <line4>United States</line4>
    <street>Pennsylvania Ave NW</street>
    <county>District of Columbia</county>
    <state>District of Columbia</state>
    <country>United States</country>
    <woeid>12766118</woeid> // This is what you need

    You can parse the response for the <woeid> tag.

    If you have an EditText and you want to get the weather based on the city you get from his input then you'll have to do this:

    String searchQuery = Uri.encode(myEditText.getText().toString());

    Now you'll have your search query. So e.g if the user types in:

    Hamburg Germany

    then this will convert it to:
