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ColdFusion Script Passing 2 variables

I am trying to return two variables in a ColdFusion function.

I know you can do this in C++ using the & sign.

my code:


function browserDetect(browser,version) {

      browser="some value string";
      version="some other value string";

other page:

<cfoutput>#BrowserName# and #BrowserVer#</cfoutput>


  • My preferred method is to return back a struct with the appropriate key/value pairs.

        function browserDetect(arg1,arg2) {
          var resultStruct = structNew() ;
          resultStruct.browser="some value string";
          resultStruct.version="some other value string";
          return resultStruct ;

    Instead of creating a local struct, you could also return back the results using an explicit struct

    return { browser : "some value string" , version : "some other value string" }

    Set resultVar to the results of your function and then you would then just output using

    <cfoutput>#resultvar.browser# and #resultVar.version#</cfoutput>

    You could also create a JSON string and return that back .