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Having trouble concatenating CStrings in an MFC calculator application

void CcalculatorDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
    CString grabData = _T("");
    grabData += _T("1");


I am trying to make a basic calculator application using MFC, and I am having some trouble with the number inputs.

Above is the code for when the "1" button is pressed. I want it to read in what's already being displayed in the display control, and then add a 1 onto the end of it like real calculators do. However I just can't get it to work.

Basically the first button press it works and changes the blank display (edit control) to a 1. But then successive presses don't continue to add 1's, and I cannot figure out why.


  • I think the problem in your code is that you tried to modify the string (concatenating _T("1")) after calling GetBuffer() but before calling ReleaseBuffer(). Moreover, you have unbalanced GetBuffer()/ReleaseBuffer() calls.

    Assuming that m_display is a CEdit instance, you can try code like this (worked for me):

    void CcalculatorDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
        // Get current text from edit control
        // (assume a single-line edit control)
        CString grabData;
        // Concatenate "1"
        grabData += L'1';
        // Update edit control text

    If you have a multi-line edit control and you want to grab the first (top-most) line using CEdit::GetLine(), you can use code like this (note that according to MSDN documentation, EM_GETLINE doesn't NUL-terminate the copied line, so you have to explicitly specify line length to ReleaseBuffer()):

    // Read first line from edit control
    CString grabData;
    static const int kMaxBufferLength = 80;
    wchar_t* buffer = grabData.GetBuffer(kMaxBufferLength + 1);
    //   Note '+ 1' for NUL string terminator (it seems that EM_GETLINE, which is
    //   wrapped by CEdit::GetLine(), doesn't NUL-terminate the returned string).
    const int grabDataLength = m_display.GetLine(0, buffer, kMaxBufferLength);
    // *After* calling ReleaseBuffer(), you can modify the string, e.g.:
    grabData += L'1'; // concatenate "1"