Search code examples

LINQ is it possible to add where clauses dynamically

I want to search my db with different keys. According to the input, there may be 1 key to 10 keys. Is there a way to add OR/AND clauses to my Linq query dynamically?

 keys[k] // I have my keys in this array 
 var feedList = (from feed in ctx.Feed
                 where feed.content.contains(keys[0]) 
                       && feed.content.contains(keys[1])
                       && ... // continues with the keys.length
                 select new {
                    FeedId = feed.DuyuruId,
                    FeedTitle = feed.FeedTitle,
                    FeedContent = feed.FeedContents,
                    FeedAuthor = user.UserName + " " +User.UserSurname


  • You could try an .All clause to check all the keys:

    where keys.All(key => feed.content.contains(key))