I need to set the drag cursor in some places, but I can't see it listed here http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_class_cursor.asp
In my case it appears when I drag some image :
Is there a code to use like body{cursor: drag} ?
You can use the move cursor paramater:
.target {cursor:move}
That cursor you are asking for is unique, if you want to use one with pure CSS then the best for this case is the move cursor.
Edit: For a custom cursor like the one you see, you can use the URL property value
.target{ cursor: url(mycursor.gif), auto; }
You want to specify a default cursor at the end just incase the one specified by the URL cannot be used.
If you want this cursor only to appear when they are dragging then you'll have to apply this CSS rule to the element being dragged when the user clicks on it.