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Keep Data in TextBoxes like on pressing BACKSPACE

I want to keep some informations in some TextBoxes if I go back to this page programmatically. On Page1 I enter the informations and if I click on the button I redirect to the next page, but if an error is in the informations (like text in TextBox for numbers only) I want to go back by clicking on a linkbutton. I tried:

prevPage = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();
LinkButton1.PostBackUrl = prevPage;

But if get back to the previous page all textboxes are empty. By pressing BACKSPACE on the keyboard, all informations stay kept.

How can I programatically do this to keep the informations like if I am pressing BACKSPACE ???


  • Just try this javascript on link button click



    function goBack()
    <input type="button" value="Back" onclick="goBack()">