I need help getting this method to accept a mixed number e.g. (2 1/2) stored as one variable instead of two. Currently I have int and frac which come from two separate text fields.
public double convertFrac(int whole, String frac){
if (frac == null || frac.equals(""))
return whole;
String[] parts = frac.split("/");
return whole + (double)Integer.parseInt(parts[0]) / (double)Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
edited the code thanks to a suggestion from Bohemian.
it may be clunky by some of your standards, but I got it working =D
public static double convertFrac(String frac){
String wholeStr, num, denom, fraction;
int whole = 0;
String[] parts = frac.split(" ");
wholeStr = parts[0];
whole = Integer.parseInt(wholeStr);
if(parts.length == 1){
return whole;
wholeStr = parts[0];
whole = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]);
fraction = parts[1];
String[] fracParts = fraction.split("/");
num = fracParts[0];
denom = fracParts[1];
return whole + (double)Integer.parseInt(fracParts[0]) / (double)Integer.parseInt(fracParts[1]);
This is bug #1:
if(frac == ""){ // tests if frac is the same object as the blank constant
You must use
if(frac.equals("")){ // tests if fraq is blank
This is bug #2:
num = Integer.parseInt(frac); // will explode if frac is actually a fraction
Instead of what you have, I would simplify it to this:
public double convertFrac(int whole, String frac) {
if (frac == null || frac.equals(""))
return whole;
String[] parts = frac.split("/");
return whole + (double)Integer.parseInt(parts[0]) / (double)Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
You should not consider frac
having only one number, because it makes no sense. Either it's blank or it's a fraction.