I'm trying to add dhtml to the div with the id upload_results. That should work without replacing the current content in the div.
The Code: (interesting part is at the bottom)
<script language="JavaScript">
function do_show() {
webcam.set_hook( 'onComplete', 'my_completion_handler' );
function do_upload() {
upload to server
document.getElementById('upload_results').innerHTML = '<div>Uploading...</div>';
function my_completion_handler(msg) {
extract URL out of PHP output
if (msg.match(/(http\:\/\/\S+)/)) {
var image_url = RegExp.$1;
show JPEG image in page
//document.getElementById('upload_results').innerHTML = '<a target="_blank" href="'+image_url+'"><img style="border:#ccc 5px solid;" src="'+image_url+'" width="100px"></a>';// I think here should be something changed
$('#upload_results').append('<a target="_blank" href="'+image_url+'"><img style="border:#ccc 5px solid;" src="'+image_url+'" width="100px"></a>');
reset camera for another shot
else alert("PHP Error: " + msg);
<div id="upload_results" class="video_header" style="display:none;"></div><!--add data here , without replace current content in div-->
To append
content to the #upload_results
$('#upload_results').append('<a target="_blank" href="'+image_url+'"><img style="border:#ccc 5px solid;" src="'+image_url+'" width="100px"></a>');
You could also use .innerHTML += '[...]';
but that's usually considered bad practice as it overwrites existing DOM, trashing out existing listeners and data previously attached to the elements.