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Glassfish container via Cargo isn't stopped by maven when integration tests fail

I've setup Cargo to start an instance of glassfish during the pre-integration-test phase in a maven profile. My tests are then run in the integration-test phase and, finally, cargo shuts down the tomcat instance in the post-integration-test phases.

This works great when all tests pass, but if any test fails, the maven build fails, and it appears that the post-integration-test phase is never reached, which leaves the glassfish instance running (and me unable to stop it without killing the process).

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to make sure cargo shuts down my glassfish instance, even if the integration-test phase fails?

My maven profile:

    <!-- run integration tests against the app deployed to a container -->
                            <!-- override the exclusion and include integration tests -->



  • The problem is simply based in the wrong usage of the maven-surefire-plugin which is intended for using in relation with unit test but not for integration tests. For such purposes the maven-failsave-plugin exist which will solve your problem.

    The usage of the maven-failsave-plugin release you from defining of include rule for integration tests. The usual naming convention in Maven for integration tests is like this:


    So i would suggest to name your integration tests accordingly so you don't need any kind of exlude/include rule neither for maven-surefire-plugin (unit tests) nor for maven-failsafe-plugin (integration tests).


    The verify goal is only needed if you like to fail your build in case of failing integration tests. You have to call maven like this:

    mvn -Pprofile clean verify