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Axes Title Angle and Show Time In Multiple Axes using TeeChart Javascript/HTML5

Using TeeChart Javascript/HTML5

Chart1.axes.items[0] = Chart1.axes.left;      
Chart1.axes.items[4] = Chart1.axes.add(false,false);        
  1. When first loading,it will show Only Chart1.axes.items[0].Title.Text
    Until MouseMove,it show Chart1.axes.items[4].Title.Text ,Chart1.axes.items[5].Title.Text...etc

    Can any solution show all Axes Title in first loading at on time?

  2. In Y Axes,Axes.Title comes always in Vertical,I want it be on Horizontal

    And any method set Axes.Title.Angle or turn it to Horizontal?


    1. When first loading,it will show Only Chart1.axes.items[0].Title.Text Until MouseMove,it show Chart1.axes.items[4].Title.Text ,Chart1.axes.items[5].Title.Text...etc

      Can any solution show all Axes Title in first loading at on time?

    We've fixed it for the next maintenance release. Thanks for reporting it.

    1. In Y Axes,Axes.Title comes always in Vertical,I want it be on Horizontal

      And any method set Axes.Title.Angle or turn it to Horizontal?

    We've implemented a new rotation property for the all the axes titles.

    Chart1.axes.left.title.rotation = 90;

    This will also be available with the next maintenance release and will work with 0, 90 and 270 degrees by now.