We're migrating a project from hibernate 1 to hibernate 3.3.1, and we're a problem with some Querys:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Long
The code that we have now, used to work with hibernate 1 but get the exception above with hibernate 3.3.1, the piece of code is:
for(int i=0; i<args.length; i++)
queryObject.setParameter(i, args[i]);
args is a Object[]
and the Query is, for example:
select obj.oid,obj.codTipoTrafico,obj.nomEmpresaOper,obj.codOrigen,obj.codFuente,obj.codIdnFuente,to_char(obj.fecFuente,'DD/MM/YYYY') from OperacionComercial obj where obj.indTpoOper = ? and obj.oidEmpresa = ? order by order by obj.oca desc
Hibernate cannot autoconvert from String to Long no more?
Thanks in advance
Changing the hibernate configuration property "hibernate.query.factory_class" to use the ClassicQueryTranslator for the HQL, the problem is solved...(at least for me).
<prop key="hibernate.query.factory_class">