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.NET equivalent for Java wildcard generics <?> with co- and contra- variance?

I'm stuck trying to translate some Java code that uses (bounded) wildcard generics to C#. My problem is, Java seems to allow a generic type to be both covariant and contravariant when used with a wildcard. For instance:


interface IInterf { }

class Impl implements IInterf { }

interface IGeneric1<T extends Impl> {
    void method1(IGeneric2<?> val);
    void method1WithParam(T val);

interface IGeneric2<T extends Impl> {
    void method2(IGeneric1<?> val);

abstract class Generic<T extends Impl> implements IGeneric1<T>, IGeneric2<T> {
    public void method1(IGeneric2<?> val2) {

C# equivalent (?)

interface IInterf { }

class Impl : IInterf { }

interface IGeneric1<T> where T:Impl {
  //Java was: 
  //void method1(IGeneric2<?> val2);
    void method1(IGeneric2<Impl> val);
    void method1WithParam(T to);

interface IGeneric2<T>where T:Impl {
    void method2(IGeneric1<Impl> val);

abstract class Generic<T> : IGeneric1<T>, IGeneric2<T> where T : Impl
  //Java was: 
  //public void method1(IGeneric2<?> val2) {
    public void method1(IGeneric2<Impl> val2)
         val2.method2(this); //'this': Argument type 'Generic<T>' is not 
                             //assignable to parameter type 'IGeneric1<Impl>'

    public abstract void method1WithParam(T to);
    public abstract void method2(IGeneric1<Impl> val);

...fails to compile - see the error in the comment. Which is to be expected, since IGeneric's generic parameter is not marked 'out' for covariance.

If I change this:

interface IGeneric1<T> where T:Impl {

to this

interface IGeneric1<out T> where T:Impl 

the error goes away, but another one appears, for the declaration of the method that takes a generic parameter inside the same interface:

interface IGeneric1<T> where T:Impl {
    void method1WithParam(T val);  //Parameter must be input-safe. 
                      //Invalid variance: The type parameter 'T' must be
                      //contravariantly valid on 'IGeneric1<out T>'.


[Also see the follow-up question for a somewhat harder scenario]


  • You need to translate the Java wildcard generic methods to C# methods that are generic in their own right. For example, this:

    interface IGeneric2<T extends Impl> {
        void method2(IGeneric1<?> val);

    should be translated to

    interface IGeneric2<T>where T:Impl {
        void method2<U>(IGeneric1<U> val) where U:Impl;

    It is necessary to repeat the type constraint for T specified by IGeneric1<T> as the type constraint for U.

    The reason for this is that in the Java version there are implicit constraints for the type arguments of the parameters of method1 and method2: if the parameter must be some kind of IGeneric1<X> then X must obviously be an Impl because otherwise it could not possibly implement IGeneric1 for that type.

    In C# the constraints must be explicit, so you repeat what IGeneric1<T> and IGeneric2<T> require of T.

    So the equivalent code would be:

    interface IInterf { }
    class Impl : IInterf { }
    interface IGeneric1<T> where T:Impl {
        void method1<U>(IGeneric2<U> val) where U:Impl;
        void method1WithParam(T to);
    interface IGeneric2<T>where T:Impl {
        void method2<U>(IGeneric1<U> val) where U:Impl;
    abstract class Generic<T> : IGeneric1<T>, IGeneric2<T> where T : Impl
        public void method1<U>(IGeneric2<U> val2) where U:Impl
        public abstract void method1WithParam(T to);
        public abstract void method2<U>(IGeneric1<U> val) where U:Impl;