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jvectormap meging countries with common region in JS Firefox issue

We have created a js file for displaying JVectorMap Africa map using Now we want to merge few countries together and put a common label for the region. We opened the js file and merged the Path attribute of those countries and put the common name for region.

"South Africa": { "path": "M197.62,397.95l-3.9,-4.3l-2.22,-4.46l-4.64,-19.99l-0.89,-10.73l-5.31,-7.66l-4.39,-11.15l-4.64,-5.75l-0.31,-4.08l5.82,-1.98l3.53,0.17l3.34,2.61l24.61,-0.57l4.16,2.87l14.08,0.85l15.53,-3.8l3.57,0.33l1.85,1.09l-4.66,1.22l-3.36,2.13l-2.43,-2.31l-13.69,2.78l-0.17,21.08l-5.74,0.69l-0.0,40.71l-4.87,3.03l-2.91,0.43l-5.94,-1.59l-1.05,-2.66l-2.3,-1.72l-3.09,2.77Z", "name": "South Africa" },

This solution is working fine on IE but not in Firefox. Can anyone tell us how can we merge them so that it will work on all browsers.


  • SVG Path string consists of M, L and Z (in both cases). Capital letters for absolute and small letters for relative. You can find the more details in below link:

    For absolute you can straight away merge them but for relative you need to put some value between 2 paths so that the 2nd path start from the correct place.