We have created a js file for displaying JVectorMap Africa map using Converter.py. Now we want to merge few countries together and put a common label for the region. We opened the js file and merged the Path attribute of those countries and put the common name for region.
"South Africa": { "path": "M197.62,397.95l-3.9,-4.3l-2.22,-4.46l-4.64,-19.99l-0.89,-10.73l-5.31,-7.66l-4.39,-11.15l-4.64,-5.75l-0.31,-4.08l5.82,-1.98l3.53,0.17l3.34,2.61l24.61,-0.57l4.16,2.87l14.08,0.85l15.53,-3.8l3.57,0.33l1.85,1.09l-4.66,1.22l-3.36,2.13l-2.43,-2.31l-13.69,2.78l-0.17,21.08l-5.74,0.69l-0.0,40.71l-4.87,3.03l-2.91,0.43l-5.94,-1.59l-1.05,-2.66l-2.3,-1.72l-3.09,2.77Z", "name": "South Africa" },
This solution is working fine on IE but not in Firefox. Can anyone tell us how can we merge them so that it will work on all browsers.
SVG Path string consists of M, L and Z (in both cases). Capital letters for absolute and small letters for relative. You can find the more details in below link: http://commons.oreilly.com/wiki/index.php/SVG_Essentials/Paths
For absolute you can straight away merge them but for relative you need to put some value between 2 paths so that the 2nd path start from the correct place.