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Are MEF exports cached or discovering every time on request?

If I have one type MyClass, register with

[Export(typeof(Myclass))] attribute, and




and later trying to call

compositionContainer.GetExportedValue<Myclass>() multiple times.

Question: with the first call, I will get my registered class via MEF - llokup all registered assemblies, then trying to find one registered contract. Question is about second time and so on - will MEF do global lookup again or it caches somewhere internally?


  • will MEF do global lookup again or it caches somewhere internally

    Yes, MEF perfoms some caching and widely uses lazy initialization, if you question is about MEF performance:

    1) metadata (composable parts, export definitions and import definitions) is cached. Example:

    public override IEnumerable<ExportDefinition> ExportDefinitions
            if (this._exports == null)
                ExportDefinition[] exports = this._creationInfo.GetExports().ToArray<ExportDefinition>();
                lock (this._lock)
                    if (this._exports == null)
                        this._exports = exports;
            return this._exports;

    2) exported values are cached too:

    public object Value
            if (this._exportedValue == Export._EmptyValue)
                object exportedValueCore = this.GetExportedValueCore();
                Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this._exportedValue, exportedValueCore, Export._EmptyValue);
            return this._exportedValue;

    Of course, when using CreationPolicy.NonShared, exported value becomes created again and again, when you requesting it. But even in this case "global lookup" isn't performed, because metadata is cached anyway.