I have an on-screen keyboard and 5 input boxes. My problem is when I focus on an input box and input something, nothing will happen. I want to add input every time I focus on an input box.
Here's my simple code. This code only works for 1 input field. I want to make this work for 5 or 4 input fields.
function writeKey(key){
if(key == "Enter"){
key = "10";
} else if(key == "tab"){
document.getElementById("feld1").value += "\t ";
} else if(key=="backspace"){
} else if(key==" "){
document.getElementById("feld1").value += " ";
} else {
document.getElementById("feld1").value += String.fromCharCode(key);
Take a look at document.activeElement which points to currently focused element.
You can rewrite your code like this using it:
function writeKey(key){
var el = document.activeElement;
if(key == "Enter"){
key = "10";
} else if(key == "tab"){
el.value += "\t ";
} else if(key=="backspace"){
el.value = el.value.slice(0,-1);
} else if(key==" "){
el.value += " ";
} else {
el.value += String.fromCharCode(key);
Demo here
Please note that you should run writeKey not onclick but onmousedown. Otherwise focus will be already moved from an input. Demo reflects that.
Here is its html code:
<div onmousedown="writeKey('a');return false">Click key</div>
<input type="text" />
<input type="text" />
<input type="text" />
Also, take a look at return false;
after writeKey is called. It will prevent default browser action and clicking on a key you will not loose a focus from your input. Without it you will need to set focus on an element after each key press.