I am doing some long polling (ajax) and I am looping the following portion of code.. There is code being executed above and below. This code is part of an internal messaging system. A certain portion of the page wil blink when a message arrives. If the user checks the message, it will remove the dash_notify from the JSON response, which needs to turn off the blinking. See below:
if (data.dash_notify == '1') {
var x = '#dash_notif_blink';
function blinking(x) {
timer = setInterval(blink, 10);
function blink() {
x.fadeOut(400, function () {
} else if (!data.dash_notify) {
The following JSON response that gets sent to this code is:
{"current_date_time":"January 8, 2013 - 4:02 pm","dash_notify":"1"}
It understand the initial blink IF the above data gets passed. If the following gets passed:
{"current_date_time":"January 8, 2013 - 4:02 pm"}
Then it throws an error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: timer is not defined
I cannot figure out how to fix the "else" portion working properly. If the code is initiated when the full dash_notify:1 response is sent, it works perfect. The button will blink, then if the user checks the message, it will no longer send dash_notify:1 and the button stops blinking. But if the code is initiated when dash_notify:1 is NOT set, it doesn't know what to do with the ClearInterval.
Basically I need the else portion fixed.
I have tried using different typeOf === undefined snippets, but it doesn't work.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you!
This is currently working.. Timer is now defined above the statement
if(data.dash_notify == '1'){
var x = '#dash_notif_blink';
}else if (typeof timer != "undefined" && timer) {
This is working, but sometimes it trys to kill the timer but it doesn't actually do it. This happens every so often.
This is now working beautifully. *Thank you to everyone who helped!*
if(data.dash_notify === '1' && t === null ){
var x = '#dash_notif_blink';
function blinking(x) {
var timer = setInterval(blink, 10); //note the var keyword for best practice
function blink() {
x.fadeOut(400, function () {
return timer;
// Data is passed. Parse to see if dash alert should be called. Secondary protection for
// multiple timer creation.
if(t){return;}else{t = blinking($(x));}
}else if (!data.dash_notify){
t = null;