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Asterisk and DAHDI setup

I have an issue with an asterisk server I'm trying to install. I have an Amazon server , Ubuntu 12.04, 64 bit. I have followed the instructions from install-asterisk-1-8-from-source-on-ubuntu-12-04 step by step. I get to the part where I download DAHDI folder and try the "make" command but get the following error which I posted in the bottom. I'm not a Linux genius but what I have understood and tried to solve is. I don't have the source for the kernel I have in my box but I don't know how to get them or how to change them so that DAHDI can work. Can anyone please help?

/usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-2.6.1+2.6.1# make make -C linux all make[ 1]: Entering directory /usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-2.6.1+2.6.1/linux' make -C drivers/dahdi/firmware firmware-loaders make[2]: Entering directory /usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-2.6.1+2.6.1/linux/drivers/dahdi/firmware' make[ 2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-2.6.1+2.6.1/linux/drivers/dahdi/firmware' You do not appear to have the sources for the 3.2.0-31-virtual kernel installed. make[ 1]: * [modules]

Error 1 make[ 1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-2.6.1+2.6.1/linux' make: * [all]

Error 2 root@domU-12-31-39-03-20-24:/usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-2.6.1+2.6.1#


  • You'll need to also install the kernel sources to resolve dependencies.

    Try running this, and then re-run make.

    apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`