I am having a bit of a problem getting JQuery-UI interactions working on a page of mine. I haven't used JQuery-UI before, so I started out by trying the sortable interaction with the hopes of making it drag-and-drop and sortable later on. However, I've been banging my head against the wall and been unable to even get the sortable working.
The content I am trying to sort is being loaded dynamically with ajax. Here is a representation of what the content looks like:
<ul id="category_list">
<li class="category" data-category-id="17">Education</li>
<li class="category" data-category-id="20">General Information</li>
<li class="category" data-category-id="14">Music / Movies / Television</li>
<li class="category" data-category-id="18">Navigation</li>
<li class="category" data-category-id="19">Retailers</li>
<li class="category" data-category-id="16">Social Media</li>
<li class="category" data-category-id="15">Web Results</li>
This JQuery function loads the data:
// load all the engines in a category
$('#container').on("click", ".buttonclass", function() {
$.get("/categories", {
id : $(this).attr('data-id')
}, function(data) {
var pane = $("#categories").data('jsp');
(the pane-related stuff is because this is scrollable by a JScrollPane). I try adding code to this function above to make the list elements sortable, but nothing works. Some things I've tried are:
I tried adding the code to on click handler both inside the callback function (of the $.get) and after it with no luck.
Static data hard-coded in the page (inside the JscrollPane) has no problems sorting. Just the dynamic content is causing trouble.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Figured out the problem and it was the JScrollPane. Although the JScrollpane has no problems with static data and sortable/draggable/droppable it seems to cause problems when dynamically populating it.
Removed the JScrollPanes and all if fine using: