Search code examples

Trying to load asp code / sql using jquerys .load

I'm trying to load a piece of code every time there is a change in a drop downs selection. I thought the best way to do this would be to .load the file but that doesn't seem to bring the asp/sql across.

How do I make the following code work:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#abn").change(function () {


Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: ''

/junk/dbinstant.htm, line 27

Page code:

pagetitle="Contractor Details"
<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/_lib/include/header.htm"-->
<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/_lib/include/menu.htm"-->
$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#abn").change(function () {
<div class="twoColumnRow">
<div class="twoColumnContent">
<p class="breadCrm"><a href="/index.htm">Home</a> <span>&gt;</span> <a href="/tools/index.htm">Tools of the Trade</a> <span>&gt;</span> <a href="/tools/finance/index.htm">Finance and Purchasing</a><span>&gt;</span> <a href="/tools/finance/procurement/index.htm">Procurement and Contracts information</a></p>
<div class="contentPad">
<!-- Start of main content -->

<p class="imageRight">&nbsp;</p>

<div id="searchUpdate"></div> 
<h2>Search results</h2><hr />
<% if not con.BOF then %>
<div style="margin-top:1em">

  <form action="dbresults.htm" method="get">

      <p>Company name:<br/>
      <select id="abn" name="abn">
        <option label="All companies" value="all"></option>
        <% while (NOT scon.EOF) %>
        <option label="<%=scon("legal")%>" value="<%=scon("abn")%>"></option>
                          Wend %>
     <p>Categories for Creative Design:<br/>
      <select id="cat" name="cat">
        <option class="group" label="All categories" value="all"></option>
        <option class="group" label="Strategic brand, marketing and communications advice" value="a"></option>
        <option class="group" label="Graphic design and layout" value="b"></option>
        <option class="group" label="Forms design" value="c"></option>
        <option class="group" label="Web design and development" value="d"></option>
        <option class="group" label="Authoring services" value="e"></option>
        <option class="group" label="Editorial services" value="f"></option>
        <option class="group" label="Translation services" value="g"></option>
        <option class="group" label="Photography and film services" value="h"></option>
        <option class="group" label="Scanning and digitisation services" value="i"></option>
        <option class="group" label="Multimedia editing services" value="j"></option>
    <input type="submit" value="Search" />
  <br /><hr />

    <table style="font-size:.9em;" class="contentTable">
                <th>Company Name:</td>
  <% con.Movefirst() %>
  <% while (NOT con.EOF) %>
                <td><a href="dbcomp.htm?abn=<%=con("abn")%>&cat=all"><%=con("legal")%></a></td>

<% else %>
    <% scon.Movefirst() %>
  <form action="dbresults.htm" method="get">

      <p>Company name:<br/>
      <select name="abn">
        <option label="All companies" value="all"></option>
        <% while (NOT scon.EOF) %>
        <option label="<%=scon("legal")%>" value="<%=scon("abn")%>"></option>
                          Wend %>
     <p>Categories for Creative Design:<br/>
      <select name="cat">
        <option label="All categories" value="all"></option>
        <option label="Strategic brand, marketing and communications advice" value="a"></option>
        <option label="Graphic design and layout" value="b"></option>
        <option label="Forms design" value="c"></option>
        <option label="Web design and development" value="d"></option>
        <option label="Authoring services" value="e"></option>
        <option label="Editorial services" value="f"></option>
        <option label="Translation services" value="g"></option>
        <option label="Photography and film services" value="h"></option>
        <option label="Scanning and digitisation services" value="i"></option>
        <option label="Multimedia editing services" value="j"></option>
    <input type="submit" value="Search" />
  <br /><hr />
<p>No records match your query.</p>
<p><a href="dbtest.htm">Return to search page</a></p>
  end if

<!-- End of main content -->
</div> <!-- end contentPad div -->
</div> <!-- end twocolumncontent div -->
<div class="twoColumnLinks">

<!--<div class="relatedLinks">
<h3>Related Links</h3>
<li><a href="/index.htm">Related link 1</a></li>
</div>--> <!-- end relatedlinks div -->
<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/_lib/include/quicklinks.htm"-->
<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/_lib/include/mylinks.htm"-->
</div> <!-- end twocolumnlinks div -->
</div> <!-- end twocolumnrow div -->
<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/_lib/include/footer.htm"-->


        Dim connectString, connect, conDB, sconDB, con, scon, src_abn, src_cat
        connectString = "Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("data")
              src_abn = Request.QueryString("abn")
              src_cat = Request.QueryString("cat")
        set connect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection") connectString

        if src_abn = "all" and src_cat = "all" then
        conDB = "SELECT * FROM cont.csv"    
        elseif src_abn = "all" then
        conDB = "SELECT * FROM cont.csv WHERE " & src_cat & " = 'Yes'"  
        elseif src_cat = "all" then
        conDB = "SELECT * FROM cont.csv WHERE ucase(abn) LIKE ucase('%"+src_abn+"%')"   
        conDB = " SELECT * FROM cont.csv WHERE " & src_cat & " = 'Yes' AND ucase(abn) LIKE ucase('%"+src_abn+"%')"
        end if

        sconDB = "SELECT * FROM cont.csv"   

        set con = connect.execute(conDB)
        set scon = connect.execute(sconDB)


  • Hopefully I'm pointing out the obvious here. jQuery works client side and can makes calls to the server via ajax to retrieve more HTML. You will not be able to "load" ASP and SQL into your page this way. What you can do is call a serverside asp page that will execute the ASP and SQL which then returns some HTML to your page. The clue here is you are calling "sql.htm" which will be default not execute any thing serverside. I would have expected the call to be to something like "sql.asp" which would execute serverside then return something useful to you.