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cfgridcolumn mask to format numbers

According to the docs, I should be able to use the mask attribute to format my column:

<cfgridcolumn name="salary" type="numeric" mask="$999,999">

I have a salary amount I want to show as


Any ideas why its not working?

Full code snipit for testing below.

        rs = QueryNew('salary', 'integer');
        QuerySetCell(rs, 'salary', '100000', 1);
        QuerySetCell(rs, 'salary', '80000', 2);
        QuerySetCell(rs, 'salary', '5000', 3);

    <cfgrid format="html" name="demo" query="rs">
        <cfgridcolumn name="salary" type="numeric" mask="$999,999">


  • I need to give props to @Henry for this answer that I found here and applied to your case. I had not used this before but I tested it and it does work (using CF9). See this other reference that I found as well. Interesting stuff. Anyway...

    For your issue try this code:

    <cfsavecontent variable="formatGridInit">
    <script language="javaScript">
    formatgrid = function() {
        var myFormatter = Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer('$000,000');
        var mygrid = ColdFusion.Grid.getGridObject('demo');
        var cm = mygrid.getColumnModel();
        cm.setRenderer(0, myFormatter);
    <cfhtmlhead text="#formatGridInit#">
    <cfset ajaxOnLoad("formatgrid")>
            rs = QueryNew('salary', 'integer');
            QuerySetCell(rs, 'salary', '100000', 1);
            QuerySetCell(rs, 'salary', '80000', 2);
            QuerySetCell(rs, 'salary', '5000', 3);
        <cfgrid format="html" name="demo" query="rs">
            <cfgridcolumn name="salary" type="numeric">

    NOTE - Make sure your HTML has <head></head> in order for the <cfhtmlhead> to work.

    NOTE - The grid name in this code var mygrid = ColdFusion.Grid.getGridObject('demo'); must match your grid's name.

    NOTE - Set the number in this code cm.setRenderer(0, myFormatter); to the column that you want to apply the format to (columns in the grid are zero based).