What I want to do, is use PHP to forward users to specific pages based on where they are coming from on my site.(basically this is a next button functionality)
So what I'd like to do is have PHP check the referring url and then forward based on that value.
Something like this:(note I can't post multiple urls, so imagine that there is the http:// in front of all of them)
If url: mysite.com/gallery1/ then forward to: mysite.com/gallery2/
If url: mysite.com/gallery2/ then forward to: mysite.com/gallery3/
If url: mysite.com/gallery3/ then forward to: mysite.com/gallery4/
And if the referring url isn't on the list or they just typed in the php script url directly, send them to mysite.com/nogallery/
I'd like to use a database to store the data. Basically it'd have 2 columns. 1 for referrer url, and 1 for the forwarding url.
If you could help me out it'd be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like you know what to do already. If you want to store the URLs in a database, that's fine, but just imagine you've got a structure like this:
$routes = array(
if (array_key_exists($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],$routes)){
header('Location: http://'. $routes[$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']]);
header('Location: http://example.com/default.php');