I'm trying to receive an array of a complex object from a soap-service written in PHP (nuSOAP). I'm trying to write an Android-Client and use the ksoap2 libraries (3.0.0 RC.4). There are some "solutions" for this online and several people who were facing the same problem - anyway, I tried many different ways and I'm still stuck for days now, so I decided to ask you guys for help. So I'll show you the code that in my opinion brought me the closest to what I wanna get.
first things first - the SOAP-Response (the Body):
<ns1:GetListResponse xmlns:ns1="http://localhost/games_db/games_db.php">
<return xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array" SOAP-ENC:arrayType="tns:DataPlusID[24]">
<item xsi:type="tns:DataPlusID">
<data xsi:type="xsd:string">shitload</data>
<ID xsi:type="xsd:int">4</ID>
<item xsi:type="tns:DataPlusID">
<data xsi:type="xsd:string">of</data>
<ID xsi:type="xsd:int">7</ID>
<item xsi:type="tns:DataPlusID">
<data xsi:type="xsd:string">imformation</data>
<ID xsi:type="xsd:int">10</ID>
When I am not mapping anything "envelope.bodyIn.toString()" gives me the following.
DataPlusID{data=shitload; ID=4; },
DataPlusID{data=of; ID=7; },
DataPlusID{data=information; ID=10; }
Here are the classes, that should take care of the response someday...
public class GetListResponse implements KvmSerializable {
private Vector<DataPlusID> datavector = new Vector<DataPlusID>();
public Object getProperty(int arg0) {
return this.datavector;
public int getPropertyCount() {
return 1;
public void getPropertyInfo(int index, Hashtable properties, PropertyInfo info) {
info.name = "return";
info.type = new Vector<DataPlusID>().getClass();
public void setProperty(int index, Object value) {
this.datavector = (Vector<DataPlusID>) value;
public class DataPlusID implements KvmSerializable
private String data;
private int ID;
public Object getProperty(int arg0) {
switch(arg0) {
case 0:
return data;
case 1:
return ID;
return null;
public int getPropertyCount() {
return 2;
public void getPropertyInfo(int index, Hashtable arg1, PropertyInfo info) {
switch(index) {
case 0:
info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
info.name = "data";
case 1:
info.type = PropertyInfo.INTEGER_CLASS;
info.name = "ID";
public void setProperty(int index, Object value) {
switch(index) {
case 0:
data = value.toString();
case 1:
ID = Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
Here is the code for the receiving the message
public GetListResponse GetList(String liste) throws Exception{
SoapObject request = new SoapObject(Namespace, MethodGetList);
request.addProperty("list", liste);
final SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
envelope.addMapping(Namespace, "GetListResponse", new GetListResponse().getClass());
//envelope.addMapping(Namespace, "return", new Vector<DataPlusID>().getClass());
envelope.addMapping(Namespace, "item", new DataPlusID().getClass()); //tried also "DataPlusID" instead of "item"
try {
HttpTransportSE transport = new HttpTransportSE(URL);
transport.debug = true;
transport.call(ActionGetList, envelope);
Log.d("SOAPEnvelope", "Response: "+transport.responseDump);
} catch (Exception e){
Log.d("SOAPEnvelope", "Fehler bei Serverabfrage: "+e.toString());
//Log.d("SOAPEnvelope", "BodyIn: "+envelope.bodyIn.toString());
GetListResponse result = new GetListResponse();
result = (GetListResponse)envelope.bodyIn;
return result;
handling the data:
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
GetListResponse response = new GetListResponse();
response = GetList("genre");
//content of datavector is below
Vector<DataPlusID> datavector = new Vector<DataPlusID>();
datavector = (Vector<DataPlusID>) response.getProperty(0);
String x = (String) datavector.get(0).getProperty(0);
DataPlusID daten0 = new DataPlusID();
daten0 = (DataPlusID) datavector.get(0);
String genre1 = (String) daten0.getProperty(0);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d("SOAPEnvelope", e.toString());
Here is the content of "datavector":
[DataPlusID{data=Action; ID=4; },
DataPlusID{data=Adventure; ID=7; },
DataPlusID{data=Aufbauspiel; ID=10; },
DataPlusID{data=Beat 'em up; ID=11; }]
The following exception is thrown:
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject cannot be cast to com.example.gamesdb_client.DataPlusID
The weirdest thing is, that while debugging i actually get exatly the values i wanna get. --> When I inspect the expression "datavector.get(0).getProperty(0)" I get:
(java.lang.String) shitload
So he is actually seeing the data in the right format (string), but when he tries to attach it to a string-variable he gives me a ClassCastException?
Anyway, no matter what I tried the final result was allways the CCE so I'm pretty sure the problem can be found in the mapping (and ofc the class-definitions) part:
1 envelope.addMapping(Namespace, "GetListResponse", new GetListResponse().getClass());
2 envelope.addMapping(Namespace, "item", new DataPlusID().getClass());
Without line 1 I get another CCE, so I expect the mapping to work as it's supposed to. Without line 2 nothing changes, so I'm pretty sure that the problem is within the DataPlusID-class.
He just cannot link these:
DataPlusID{data=shitload; ID=4; },
DataPlusID{data=of; ID=7; },
DataPlusID{data=information; ID=10; }
to the DataPlusID-class.
So hopefully someone can take a look at this and give me some idea how to solve the problem. Maybe there is just some basic-stuff I didn't understood. - make my vacation not being wastet^^ Thank You.
EDIT: Re- R4j
The problem is, in the sample-code they're using a vector of string (adding it with this.add(value.toString()). this ain't possible for me since I have a vector of "DataPlusID". Something like this.add(value); won't work, because he can't put the argument (type: Object) into the DataPlusID-vector.
I've tried to solve this by changing the setProperty-method of my "GetListResponse"-class to:
public void setProperty(int index, Object value) {
this.datavector = (Vector<DataPlusID>) value;
for (int i = 0; i < datavector.size(); i++) {
That way I'd be able to set the single parts of the vector into the class.
Unfortunately this just throws the same ClassCastExcepiton in the line:
As far I know, your GetListResponse class should extend Vector instead of contain it. Check document here
public class GetListResponse extends Vector<DataPlusID>
implements KvmSerializable {
Sorry, I have never tried using mapping approach for array of complex objects before. You can try another approach which build a loop iterating through by using Vector<SoapObject>
and get its properties by hand (you don't need GetListResponse
class). Something like this:
Vector<SoapObject> vectorOfSoapObject = (Vector<SoapObject>)envelop.getResponse();
for (SoapObject soapObject : vectorOfSoapObject) {
// put all properties into DataPlusID object
DataPlusID dataPlusIDObj = new DataPlusID();
This approach is in the document, and it should work.