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Vows JS Testing for Undefined

I'm trying to use vows js to create unit tests. I am having trouble when the "topic" is `undefined'. Please see the example below:

var vows = require('vows'),
  assert = require('assert');

function giveMeUndefined(){
  return undefined;

vows.describe('Test vow').addBatch({
  'When the topic is undefined': {
    topic: function() {
      return giveMeUndefined();
    'should return the default value of undefined.': function(topic) {

This isn't the code exactly, but it's the gist of it. When I run the test I get "callback not fired." Stepping through the code of vows, I can see that it branches off when topic is undefined.

Ultimately I want to know how I can write the unit test to do this. Someone else on my team wrote what I consider a hack and did the assertion in the topic and returned true or false if topic === undefined.


  • From Vows docs :

    » A topic is either a value or a function which can execute asynchronous code.

    In your example topic is assigned to a function, so vows is expecting asynchronous code.

    Simply rewrite your topic as follow :

    var vows = require('vows'),
      assert = require('assert');
    function giveMeUndefined(){
      return undefined;
    vows.describe('Test vow').addBatch({
      'When the topic is undefined': {
        topic: giveMeUndefined(),
        'should return the default value of undefined.': function(topic) {