I'm using HSSF-POI for reading excel data. The problem is I have values in a cell that look like a number but really are strings. If I look at the format cell in Excel, it says the type is "text". Still the HSSF Cell thinks it's numeric. How can I get the value as a string?
If I try to use cell.getRichStringValue
, I get exception; if cell.toString
, it's not the exact same value as in Excel sheet.
Edit: until this gets resolved, I'll use
new BigDecimal(cell.getNumericCellValue()).toString()
You mean HSSF-POI says
cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC
as it should be?
I would think it's a bug in POI, but every cell contains a Variant, and Variant has a type. It's kind of hard to make a bug there, so instead I think Excel uses some extra data or heuristic to report the field as text. Usual MS way, alas.
P.S. You cannot use any getString()
on a Variant containing numeric, as the binary representation of the Variant data depends on it's type, and trying to get a string from what is actually a number would result in garbage -- hence the exception.