Iam using Tocify https://github.com/gfranko/jquery.tocify.js to make a TOC on some contents at a site. It works great, however I have run into a problem with the way Tocify is ordering my content.
I think the best way to show it, is with this picture:
Testeoverskrift 5 comes before Testeoverskrift 6 in my query (which is the way it should be), but Tocify places Testeoverskrift after Testeoverskrift 6. The expected result would be that Tocify would place Testeoverskrift 5 at the same level as Testeoverskrift 9, and below Testeoverskrift 10.
Any suggestions to what iam doing wrong?
Would you mind creating an issue on github? Also, it would be helpful if you had a public test page or a jsfiddle/jsbin example. Thanks!
Note: I wrote Tocify