My purpose is, I want to take specific html out from data and update that area only.
How do I filter the returned data from jQuery.ajax?
This link is a old post but I do have the exactly same problem.
The solution giving from the link is $("[ref=B]").html(data).find( '[ref=A]' );
However, if I do so, the entire page will write on <span ref='B'>
first then find the selector inside of it.....
The alternative way to only find '[ref=A]' is
html = $(data).filter('[ref=B]').find('[ref=A]').html() // this way will work
none of these will work
<span ref='B'><span ref='A'>abc</span></span>
$(function() {
$.get(window.location.pathname +, function(data){ alert(data);});
Returned Data
<span ref='B'><span ref='A'>abc</span></span>
My question is, is there a solution to filter body`s html from data which returned from $.ajax?? like
body_html = $(data).???????
then I can do whatever I want, like
Thank you very much for your advice.
You can use a DocumentFragment to simulate your html and do your search without appending it to the DOM.
// Create your DocumentFragment to be able to work without DOM
var body_html = document.createDocumentFragment();
// Convert and append data from your jQuery to work with fragment
// Now you can select using your jQuery
var $body_html = $(body_html);
// Now you can use the find or whatever you want, like if it was in the DOM
// Or you can append in your current document,
// but attention, after it the fragment reference is erased
// now you need to get reference again from body,
// because your fragment doesn't exists anymore.
// So... if you try:
console.log(body_html); // undefined
console.log($body_html); // jquery over undefined, probably just a jquery useless
// At this point you will need to reference from DOM to continue manipulation
$body_html = $(document.body);
// Now I'm ready to continue the work
// This var is like your DocumentFragment, but already on DOM.
You also can do a filter in jQuery templating $(data).filter('.foo')
but as you can see in this tests, your performance will drop a lot.