I am trying to require an authorization in my controller called purcahses_controller.rb It's just an order form model with Show Edit Destroy.. I can view it in active_admin, the url being localhost/admin/purchases. But the problem is I can also view it at localhost/purchases. It lists all of the orders and allows all functions. Id like to route_to rooturl with a simple unauthorized message if the user isn't logged in.
You can do the following and it will give you option to redirect to any path you see fit.
In the file
Make the following change
config.authentication_method = :authenticate_active_admin_user!
Then inside your application controller adding something like this:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def authenticate_active_admin_user!
unless current_user.superadmin?
flash[:alert] = "Unauthorized Access!"
redirect_to "/admin/login"
In your purchases_controller add the following before_filter line:
before_filter :authenticate_active_admin_user!
Hopefully this helps! ~Kevin