I'm trying to replicate the loading of a property file of seam in javaee6 but still don't know where to start.
In seam we can load a property file as a seam component by defining it in the components.xml:
<component name="propertyBean" class="PropertyBean" scope="application" auto-create="true" startup="true">
<property name="filename">myPropertyFile.properties</property>
<property name="reload">true</property>
And then we can access it in code:
Is there a javaee6 feature that will replicate this functionality? Or in spring it's called PropertyPlaceholder.
In c#, we can do it by adding configuration property in appsettings.xml. And access via ConfigurationManager.
Unfortunately, there's nothing like a property component manager from seam into javaee6, but I was able to find something similar, a property loader.
It works by having a qualifier:
public @interface ConfiguredBy {
@Nonbinding public String value();
With a parameter that serves as the name of the property file.
The whole approach is describe here: http://john-ament.blogspot.com/2010/03/writing-property-loader-in-java-ee-6.html