Using Morphia, is it possible to perform a saveOrUpdate / upsert operation on an object embedded inside an array.
Consider the following document :
_id : "abcd",
myArray : [{
"key" : "areaTotal",
"value" : "101.9",
"label" : "Total area (municipality)"
}, {
"key" : "areaUrban",
"value" : "803",
"label" : "Total area (urban)"
}, {
"key" : "populationDensity",
"value" : "15991",
"label" : "Population desnsity"
Is there a clean way to replace for example array element with key "areaUrban" by another object such as
"key" : "areaUrban",
"value" : "123",
"label" : "a new label"
For now I do it in two update operations first delete, then add :
UpdateOperations<T> ops = createUpdateOperations().removeAll("myArray ", new BasicDBObject("key", "areaUrban"));
UpdateOperations<T> ops2 = createUpdateOperations().add("myArray ", myReplacementObject);
Which works fine but can I do it in only one update op (either with morphia or with plain mongo java driver) ?
Also if a matching object did not originally exist in the array, then the myReplacementObject object should just be added to the array.
With the $ positional operator:
db.test.update({_id: "abcd", "myArray.key": "areaUrban"}, {$set: {"myArray.$.value": 123, "myArray.$.label": "a new label"}})