Search code examples

Using a defined call back in jQuery

I have the following code below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


        <script src=""></script>

            $(document).ready(function() {

                $("#b1").click(function(event) {

                    var pm_url = '';

                        url : pm_url,
                        dataType : 'jsonp',
                        jsonpCallback : 'wooYay',
                        jsonp : 'callback',

                function wooYay(data) {



            <button id="b1">
                Click Me!
        <div class="results"></div>


When I view this in Google Chrome dev tools, I clearly see a response like below:

wooYay({"method":{"_content":"flickr.test.echo"}, "format":{"_content":"json"}, "jsoncallback":{"_content":"wooYay"}, "api_key":{"_content":"52c5c9441e7965eb55b7e54246bc6abf"}, "callback":{"_content":"wooYay"}, "_":{"_content":"1357519661919"}, "stat":"ok"})

But somehow the function wooYay never executes. Also I want to keep the function wooYay in the code block. Could someone please tell me where the error is?

Thanks, Jim


  • The biggest issue is you are confusing jsonCallback with the AJAX success callback.

    The wooYay in the jsonCallback is to define the wrapper for the response which you see in response data you posted.

    jQuery also unwraps the data contained within this wrapper using the name provided or the one it creates if you don't provide one

    However this will not run the function you named wooYay. This needs to be run in the success callback of $.ajax.

    Although it is unorthodox to define your function wooYay inside the clcik handler it does work as follows:

    $("#b1").click(function (event) {
      var pm_url = '';
        url: pm_url,
        dataType: 'jsonp',
        jsonpCallback: 'wooYay',
        jsonp: 'callback',
         /* added success callback*/
        success: wooYay
      function wooYay(data) {
        alert('See data in console');


    Refactored version to minimize wooYay confusion

    function responseHandler(data) {
       alert('See data in console');
     $("#b1").click(function (event) {
       var pm_url = '';
         url: pm_url,
         dataType: 'jsonp',
         jsonpCallback: 'wooYay',
         jsonp: 'callback',
         success: responseHandler

    Demo(refactored code)