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Using illegal names in MySQL through SQLObject

How to use illegal names for MySQL with SQLObject?

In pure SQL it is possible to use backquotes, say:

    SELECT `select from` FROM table1 WHERE 1;

...can be used to select the field called select from. Is it possible to tell SQLObject to utilize backquotes?


  • CREATE TABLE table1 (
      id INT(11),
      `select from` VARCHAR(255),
      PRIMARY KEY (id)
    INSERT INTO table1 VALUES(1, 'test value');

    to access select from from SQLObject, declare the column with backticks:

    >>> class Table1(SQLObject):
    ...     myIllegallyNamedColumn = Col(dbName="`select from`")
    >>> list(
    [<Table1 0 myIllegallyNamedColumn='test value'>]