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Override class in java

Assume I have a project K

K depends lib.jar

In lib.jar , there is a class named x.y.z.Foo

If i create the same class x.y.z.Foo in K , then in this project when I create a instance of Foo , now will JVM use Foo in K rather than in lib.jar ?

And if it's unstable or depends on something , how to make sure that Foo should use K's version rather than lib.jar?


  • Java class loading behaviour in a standalone application (at least with no custom classloaders) is stable. Make sure that your k.jar (or path) comes before lib.jar in -cp java arg

    java -cp k.jar lib.jar ...

    or add dependencies to /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF of your K project as

    Class-Path: lib1.jar lib2.jar

    and run

    java -jar k.jar

    k.jar classes will be loaded first

    in Maven it is
