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Access simple-prefs from xul window

I want to access the simple-prefs module from a XUL settings dialog. My code looks as follows.

var WINDOW = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowWatcher);
var mainWindow = MEDIATOR.getMostRecentWindow(null);

var pref = require("simple-prefs");
var win = WINDOW.openWindow(mainWindow, "chrome://myextension/content/settings.xul", "aboutMyExtension", "chrome,centerscreen,modal,dependant,dialog", pref);

As shown above, i give the simple prefs reference as an argument to the xul window. In the xul page, I try the following to get the simple-prefs reference.

<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://global/content/XPCNativeWrapper.js"/>

window.arguments[0] is a [xpconnect wrapped nsISupports], but the unwrap() returns a [xpconnect wrapped nsISupports] instead of actually unwrapping it.

So, how do I access the simple-prefs module from the xul dialog?


  • I'd suggest using the loader from a script tag within your XUL window.

    Like this:

    <script type='application/javascript' src='resource://gre/modules/toolkit/loader.js'></script>

    Then you could just require('simple-prefs') in your XUL window instead of trying to pass it over.

    See more about the loader in the sdk low-level docs: