I simply need to do a Click on the first Child of an Element identified by a unique Class.
My Code so far is:
The Problem is that GeckoFX 16's geckoWebBrowser.Document.GetElementsByClassName
returns an Array of the Type GeckoNode
, which doesnt have the Click Method, so this Code wouldnt work. On the other side, the Method
returns an Array of the Type GeckoHTMLElement
, which does have a Click Method.
Based on that fact, I tried casting with the as
Operator, but this always throws an Exception with the message that it cant be casted.
I searched already alot in GeckoFX's Classes(sadly there isnt any documentation), but I dont found anything
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Before casting you need to ensure the node is actually an element, and not, for example, a text node.
GeckoNode node = geckoWebBrowser.Document.GetElementsByClassName("button")[0].FirstChild;
if (NodeType.Element == node.NodeType)
GeckoElement element = (GeckoElement)node;
// Even though GetElementByClassName return type could contain non elements, I don't think
// it ever would in reality.
Console.WriteLine("First node is a {0} not an element.", node.NodeType);