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GeckoFX: Cast GeckoNode to GeckoHTMLElement

I simply need to do a Click on the first Child of an Element identified by a unique Class.

My Code so far is:


The Problem is that GeckoFX 16's geckoWebBrowser.Document.GetElementsByClassName returns an Array of the Type GeckoNode, which doesnt have the Click Method, so this Code wouldnt work. On the other side, the Method
returns an Array of the Type GeckoHTMLElement, which does have a Click Method.

Based on that fact, I tried casting with the as Operator, but this always throws an Exception with the message that it cant be casted.
I searched already alot in GeckoFX's Classes(sadly there isnt any documentation), but I dont found anything

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • Before casting you need to ensure the node is actually an element, and not, for example, a text node.

    GeckoNode node = geckoWebBrowser.Document.GetElementsByClassName("button")[0].FirstChild;
    if (NodeType.Element == node.NodeType)
      GeckoElement element = (GeckoElement)node;
     // Even though GetElementByClassName return type could contain non elements, I don't think
     // it ever would in reality.
     Console.WriteLine("First node is a {0} not an element.", node.NodeType);