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Interfacing a libUSB device powered by V-USB library for AVR

I've wrote a simple program (based on the following tutorial) that send data from an AVR chip (Attiny 2313) to the computer via a USB port, since this device doesn't have a built-in USB port, I've used the V-USB library to emulate such a port via software.

The device works as expected, and I had no problem to interface the it with C using the libusb library, However I want to access it with Java, so I looked up for a java implementation of libusb.The only library that I've managed to set up, and it has successfully found the usb on the bus was "libusb-win32 wrapper".

The only problem is that the device throws an exception when I try to open it

ch.ntb.usb.USBException: No USB endpoints found. Check the device configuration
at ch.ntb.usb.Device.updateMaxPacketSize(
at ch.ntb.usb.Device.initDevice(

How can it be fixed? is there another way to do it? any recommendation?

Here is the code that throws the exception

Device dev = USB.getDevice((short) 0x16c0, (short) 0x05dc);, 0, -1);

here is data I got about the device viw USBview

Device Descriptor:
bcdUSB:             0x0110
bDeviceClass:         0xFF
bDeviceSubClass:      0x00
bDeviceProtocol:      0x00
bMaxPacketSize0:      0x08 (8)
idVendor:           0x16C0
idProduct:          0x05DC
bcdDevice:          0x0100
iManufacturer:        0x01
0x0409: ""
iProduct:             0x02
iSerialNumber:        0x00
bNumConfigurations:   0x01

ConnectionStatus: DeviceConnected
Current Config Value: 0x01
Device Bus Speed:     Low
Device Address:       0x03
Open Pipes:              0

Configuration Descriptor:
wTotalLength:       0x0012
bNumInterfaces:       0x01
bConfigurationValue:  0x01
iConfiguration:       0x00
bmAttributes:         0x80 (Bus Powered )
MaxPower:             0x32 (100 Ma)

Interface Descriptor:
bInterfaceNumber:     0x00
bAlternateSetting:    0x00
bNumEndpoints:        0x00
bInterfaceClass:      0x00
bInterfaceSubClass:   0x00
bInterfaceProtocol:   0x00
iInterface:           0x00

related question the answer, but I couldn't understand what to change, and if its related to the device, how can it be done with a VUSB?


  • The following library doesn't support a device with no endpoint, and doesn't count the control endpoint as an endpoint.I solve that by enabling another endpoint which I won't use anyway.

    To enable another endpoint open the following file usbconfig.h within the V-usb folder and look up for the following line and change it to 1.

    #define USB_CFG_HAVE_INTRIN_ENDPOINT    1 //default 0

    Now, you can use the control endpoint for low speed communication with the controlMsg() function.

    here you can see (via USBview) that the device now has an interruption endpoint

    Endpoint Descriptor:
    bEndpointAddress:     0x81  IN
    Transfer Type:   Interrupt
    wMaxPacketSize:     0x0008 (8)
    bInterval:            0x0A