I have a YUAN MC570QA ATSC/Analog Hybrid Tuner device, I can open the device for capturing analog but I can't find any reference or source code showing how to open the digital tuner. If I enum devices using CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory I only see DibCom BDA Digital Tuner (Dev1 Path2), however the software that comes with the device lists:
DibCom BDA Analog Tuner (Dev1 Path2) DibCom BDA Digital Tuner (Dev1 Path0) DibCom BDA Digital Tuner (Dev1 Path1)
I'd appreciate any pointers in getting DirectShow to capture a channel on the digital tuner.
I would list my c++ code but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to open the digital tuner as a device or if I'm supposed to somehow access the tuner through another interface - not sure which code portion to list here.
For DVB you have to use BDA in Directshow. This is not as straightforward as analog capture. For example you have to Submit a tune request before connecting the whole graph. There should be a DTVViewer example somewhere in the sdk. I really think you need to look at the example. Maybe this code I have posted before might also help.
I found this example how a BDA graph should look like (source).