I am learning Java.I just created an application (liked desktop one in c#) by adding some labels,a text view and a button. Its fun learning this new thing,but i soon encountered an issue ,when u tried to add vertical scrolling to the text view i added on the UI.
I also tried adding vertical scroll to the text area but still my text area is not displaying the scroll bar.
The part of the code created when i added the controls from the panel to the UI is as below:
.addContainerGap(17, 17)
.addComponent(getJtxtArea(), GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 158, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
The code for the function getJtxtArea() is as below:
private JTextArea getJtxtArea() {
if(jtxtArea == null) {
jtxtArea = new JTextArea();
jtxtArea.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(255,255,255));
jtxtArea.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Segoe UI",3,14));
JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(jtxtArea);
return jtxtArea;
Can anyone tell me why i am not getting the scroll bar on the text view.Thanks in advance.
Note:I am using Eclipse Helios as the IDE and using Jigloo plugin in eclipse for the GUI.
Add the component scroll
instead of the jtxtArea. In addition to that, you might also want to resize your JScrollPane.