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ios/Android targeted push notifications in AIR app

I was wondering if it is possible to have multiple custom push notifications setup in a single AIR App.

What I am trying to do is allow users to setup custom alerts based on information they would like to receive for example say user 1 would like to know when new actions or drama movies are released on DVD, user 2 would like to know when new comedies are released, user 3 would like to know when any new movie is released.

This is a simple example and there are possibly 1000's of options (postcode/zip information).



  • Technically, there's nothing that wouldn't allow you to do this. The implementation is mostly backend related though, let me just quickly draft a design for that here;

    1. The user's device registers for push notifications at your backend service.
    2. Your service takes the user's id stores in a DB and passes the device token to the corresponding push notification server.
    3. Once the registration is completed, the user selects what items he'd like to get notified of (naturally your backend service has to know this information as well to store it in the DB).
    4. As soon as a new action movie (or whatever kind of information the user registered for) is available, your service looks in the DB what users registered for that kind of movies and sends a message via push.

    So a simple database and some server side scripting will get you going.