I'm currently using Topic based communication using JADE. I'm able to register a JADE agent using jade.core.messaging.TopicManagementFEService
thereby connecting to the main-container in the same platform.
The details are below:
But my Android Client is not able to receive this message although the topic registered is the same on both ends!
You can see the code below:
Server Side:
TopicManagementHelper topicHelper = (TopicManagementHelper) getHelper(TopicManagementHelper.SERVICE_NAME);
final AID sensorTopic = topicHelper.createTopic("JADE");
addBehaviour(new TickerBehaviour(this, TIMER_VALUE_IN_MILLISECONDS) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2567778187494378326L;
public void onTick() {
ACLMessage msg = new ACLMessage(ACLMessage.INFORM);
Android Side:
// Registering on Android Side as well
TopicManagementHelper topicHelper = (TopicManagementHelper) getHelper(TopicManagementHelper.SERVICE_NAME);
topic = topicHelper.createTopic("JADE"); // See, same topic!
behaviour = new myBehaviour(this, TIMER_VALUE_IN_MILLISECONDS, topic);
private class myBehaviour extends TickerBehaviour {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4782913834042415090L;
AID topic;
Agent agent;
MessageTemplate tpl;
public myBehaviour(Agent a, long period, AID topic) {
super(a, period);
this.agent = a;
this.topic = topic;
public void onTick() {
tpl = MessageTemplate.MatchTopic(topic);
ACLMessage msg = receive(tpl);
if (msg != null) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Agent "+ agent.getLocalName() +
": Message about topic "+ topic.getLocalName() +" received. \n" +
"Content is " + msg.getContent());
data = msg.getContent();
} else {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "In here..."); // Always executes only this code!
Where am I going wrong here? It always executes the else
part in the Android side which is obvious to say that message received is NULL!
Never mind. The logic was wrong. The Android-Agent was not identifying itself to the Central-Agent.
I set the Ontology so that the Central Agent is able to identify such message and sends the message accordingly. Now, it is receiving messages!
Self-help works sometimes! ;-)