Edit: Turns out the api produces the quotes.
Excuse me, as I have pretty much no knowledge of js/jquery, but I found a code I wanted to use. It uses tumblr's api. http://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/api/v1.
Now, the problem is titles[i] shows text wrapped in quotes. So instead of
<div class="relates">This is the titles i. I want this.</div>
it shows
<div class="relates">"This is the titles i. I don't want the quotes!"</div>
in the html. I don't want that (for reasons not worth explaining).
Can somebody help me remove the quotes?
Here's the full code.
(function() {
var config = new Object();
var titles = [];
var links = [];
var images = [];
var items = [];
var types = [];
var $j = jQuery.noConflict()
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
var this_script = scripts[scripts.length - 1];
var params = this_script.src.replace(/^[^\?]+\??/,'').split('&');
var url_base = ((typeof(config.url) == 'undefined') ? ('http://' + document.domain + '/') : ('http://' + config.url + '/'));
for(var i=0; i<params.length; i++) {
var tmp = params[i].split("=");
config[tmp[0]] = unescape(tmp[1]);
if(typeof(config.tags)=='undefined'){ error(0); return; }
if(typeof(config.num)=='undefined'){ config.num=8; }
if(typeof(config.len)=='undefined'){ config.len=60; }
if(typeof(config.title)=='undefined'){ config.title='Related Posts:'; }
if(typeof(config.type)=='undefined'){ config.type=''; }
switch(config.css) {
case ('simple'):
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ' +
'href="http://example.com/resource/simple.css" media="screen" />');
case ('complete'):
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ' +
'href="http://example.com/resource/complete.css" media="screen" />');
case ('light'):
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ' +
'href="http://example.com/resource/light.css" media="screen" />');
case ('dark'):
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ' +
'href="http://example.com/resource/dark.css" media="screen" />');
'<div id="tumblrinlink">' +
'<div id="inlink-loading"></div>' +
'<div id="inlink-title"></div>'+
'<ul id="inlink-list"></ul>' +
'' +
var tags = config.tags.slice(0,-1).split(',');
$j(document).ready(function() {
function getRelated() {
var req;
for(var i=0; i<tags.length; i++){
req=$j.getJSON(url_base+'api/read/json?callback=?&filter=text&num='+config.num+'&start=0&type='+config.type+'&tagged='+escape(tags[i]), function(data) {
$j(data.posts).each(function(i, post) {
var text='';
if(post.type=='regular') text=post['regular-title']+''+post['regular-body'];
else if(post.type=='link') text+=post['link-text'];
else if(post.type=='quote') text+=post['quote-text'];
else if(post.type=='photo') text+=post['photo-caption'];
else if(post.type=='conversation') text+=post['conversation-title'];
else if(post.type=='video') text+=post['video-caption'];
else if(post.type=='audio') text+=post['audio-caption'];
else if(post.type=='answer') text+=post['question'];
if(text.length>config.len){ text=text.slice(0,config.len); text+='...';}
var image ='';
if(post.type=='photo') image+=post['photo-url-100'];
else if(post.type=='link') image+=['link-text'];
else if(post.type=='quote') image+=['quote-text'];
else if(post.type=='photo') image+=['photo-caption'];
else if(post.type=='conversation') image+=['conversation-title'];
else if(post.type=='video') image+=['video-caption'];
else if(post.type=='audio') image+=['audio-caption'];
else if(post.type=='answer') image+=['question'];
function getList(){
for(var i=0; i<titles.length; i++){
var regex = new RegExp('('+links[i]+')');
var html = $j("#inlink-list").html();
if(config.num--<=0) return;
var item='<li class="inlink-item" id="'+types[i]+'"><a class="inlink-link" href="'+links[i]+'"><img src="'+images[i]+'" alt="'+titles[i]+'" /><div class="relates">'+titles[i]+'</div></a></li>';
function getError(e){
var msg="error: ";
case 0: msg+='no tags defined'; break;
case 1: msg+='tumblr API problem'; break;
I am going to assume the quotes are coming from the Tumblr API. In this case, you just need to strip the quotes:
<div class="relates">'+titles[i].substring(1, titles[i].length - 2)+'</div>
substring(1, titles[i].length - 2)
will remove the first character (index 0
) and the last character (index length - 1
) from the string.